Building the first Standard Bike Repair Work Stand

Standard Bike Repair Work Stand Design, Problems, and Functionality
    • @ Avery Brewing
    • As noticed by the Professional Bicycle Mechanic’s Association via Facebook and brought to you by Google Slides
The Whole Idea: Sell a Second Bike Repair Work Stand
  • Ryan suffered “brutal humiliation” about his “over-use” of quotes.
  • However, he knew he would feel ridiculed. That part was easy to overcome. He did to “learn”. The idea was to “run this through the mill of professional bike mechanics”; theoretically, they would “ruin it and build it back up”.
  • As you can see in the Avery Brewing case, there is “too much going on”. Between, it being February, and “sales for a second one, not strong”; he reasoned that if “the design was going to improve,” it had to go through the buzz-saw which is a team of bike mechanics on Facebook.
  • Game on: we know the worst of it.
  • What is the very next step? Besides, writing a “blog post about it”. How do we sell a second one? I better get off this computer. The idea isn’t coming yet… wait, I know, call someone, call as “sales lead”… first get off the screen…

Avery Brewing bike repair workstand for employees who ride to work and need simple repair and a station to work.
This Bicycle Repair Work Stand stands next to a large amount of beer.
We sell a program of maintenance with the repair stand.
All tools and supplies are removable. Not for the place where things would get stolen.
Labels for bike repair tools and a workbench on the bike repair workstand.
The coaster for the beer is embedded into the work bench.
Public bicycle repair work stands are amenities for employees that commuter via bike.
Tools, lots of tools, on the repair stand.