Standard Bike Repair Work Stand Design, Problems, and Functionality
- @ Avery Brewing
- As noticed by the Professional Bicycle Mechanic’s Association via Facebook and brought to you by Google Slides
The Whole Idea: Sell a Second Bike Repair Work Stand
- Ryan suffered “brutal humiliation” about his “over-use” of quotes.
- However, he knew he would feel ridiculed. That part was easy to overcome. He did to “learn”. The idea was to “run this through the mill of professional bike mechanics”; theoretically, they would “ruin it and build it back up”.
- As you can see in the Avery Brewing case, there is “too much going on”. Between, it being February, and “sales for a second one, not strong”; he reasoned that if “the design was going to improve,” it had to go through the buzz-saw which is a team of bike mechanics on Facebook.
- Game on: we know the worst of it.
- What is the very next step? Besides, writing a “blog post about it”. How do we sell a second one? I better get off this computer. The idea isn’t coming yet… wait, I know, call someone, call as “sales lead”… first get off the screen…