Every Bike Receives an Forty-Two Point Inspection
Whether you fix your bike with Ryan via the Watch/Help/Learn method or drop-off your bike, the same list is checked.
You might ask, “What is the difference between the the services you offer if the same check-list is used?”
The Overhaul features extensive cleaning. The Watch/Help/Learn and “Drop-off 42-Point Tune-up” are essentially the same in terms of work done on the bike.
Standard Bike Repair’s Slogan:
- We clean your bike.
- We fix your bike.
- You will like your bike better.
Every bike receives the amount of cleaning that they need. Every bike is fixed in the same way.
The bikes that need the Overhaul are the ones that are left outside.
42 Point Tune-up
- Wheels laterally true
- Rims Do Not Have Gashes, Seam Rippings, Bumps or Concavity
- Handlebar Aligned, Un-Bent and Properly Situated with Symmetrical Grips, Shifter Pods, Levers and Accessories
- Reflectors on Wheels, Front and Back of Bike
- Lights on Front and Rear of Bike
- Owner has a Bike Lock
- Cyclist Understands functions of Bike including gearing combinations, Six Bearing Points, How-to-Tighten Brakes, How-to-Check-Gears-Before-You-Bring-It-To-A-Mechanic
- Spokes are all there, unbent, and functioning
- Nipples and Rim Area are Clean of Debris and Ready for Adjustment from Spoke Wrench if needed
- Headset is free-flowing, not goo-ey, without kinks, has Clean Grease, and no play
- Pedals Spin When Spun, Are not Broken and Properly Lubricated and Pedal Straps Clamped if Applicable
- Crank Teeth are Un-worn, Not Bent, Or Chipped
- Chain Rings are Perfectly Circular
- Bottom Bracket is Not Loose, Moves Easily, Doesn’t Squeek when Riding
- Crank Arms are Viable and Provide Solid Anchor for Pedals
- Accessories are Functional and Useful, Broken Mounts Dismounted, Bolts Tightened and Configured for Ergonomic Use
- Tires Inspected for Wear, Dry-Rot, Gashes, Rips and Sharp Objects
- Customer Knows how To Air Tires, Grease Chain, and Clean Bike
- Grips checked for Wear and Plastic Stuff Pealing in Hands
- Seat/Saddle Checked for Angle, Alignment to Frame and Wear
- Seat Post is Greased, Properly Sized, and Un-Bent
- Stem is in Good Shape, Handlebar bolts tight, Rider Feels Comfortable in Current Riding Position
- Chain Moves Quietly Thru Drivetrain, No S-shaped Links, Properly Lubricated, Not-stretched, and Properly Fit
- Shifters are Working, Compatible, Pod Shields Un-Broken, Cables Placed Insider Stops, Housing Looks in Good Shape
- Cable Stops are Clear and Free of Excessive Weathering, Rust and Goo, Un-blunted, and Matched With Adjacent Cables
- Housing is Un-ruined, Not-Splitting, and Of the Right Length
- Cables Un-galvanized, Not-milky, Without Rust, Able to Freely Move, Not Shredded, Ends are Pinched, No-kinks
- Rear Derailleur has Lubed Pivot Points, Freely Moving, Sitting on a Straight Derailleur Hanger, and Bearings Not Loose, Moves Well with Shifter Tugs and Releases
- Front Derailleur is Hanging Properly on Seat Tube to Crank, Compatible, Pivot Points Lubricated and Able to Swing with Front Derailleur Shifter, Cable and Housing
- Hubs, Front and Rear are checked for General State of Being, Spoke Elbows Sitting Tight and Grease Hole Shut and Full if Required
- Rear Cassette/Cog is Checked for Play and Suitability
- Wheel Cones, Cups and Bearings Observed for Tightness, Grittines, Looseness
- Axles Inspected for Bending, Splits
- Wheels Sitting Parallel to Frame in Rear Triangle and Front Fork
- Fork is Straight to Head Tube, Drop-outs in Good Shape and Suspension is Bounced for Basic Sturdiness
- Frame is Gone Over for Bends, and Cracks in Welds, Drop-Out Areas, Bottom Bracket, Frame Tubes, Headset Area and Saddle Connection
- Tubes/Tires are Inflated for Proper Air Pressure, Not Flat, the Right Size
- Rim Strip Replaced if Rubber Band Breaks or Cloth is Significantly Dirty or Ripped Showing the Spoke Nipples
- Bottom Bracket Checked for Graininess, Squeaking During Riding, Tightness, Looseness and Opened up If Necessary
- All Six Bearing Points, Two Wheels, Two Pedals, Bottom Bracket and Headset Checked for Play
- Bolts Are Rusty or Not in Bicycle
- Rider Likes the Way they Ride the Bike
The 42 Point Tune-up goes over every working and non-working part of the bicycle.
At times, we can do the 42 Pointer in less than an hour if the bike is in good shape. We charge $90 per hour when the customer Watches/Helps/Learns with us.
The second method to the 42 Point Tune-up is to schedule a time to Drop-it-Off. Call 720-837-8984 for an estimated turnaround time.
Quickest turnaround: make an appointment with Ryan for an hour. Get your bike back at the end of the tune-up.
There are two ways to get your bike repaired:
We go through every detail. The 42 Point Tune-up is a checklist for repairing your bike.
It has been found that the Watch/Help/Learn process is a better economic choice. For example, if the headset is not-the-smoothest in a Watch/Help/Learn, we don’t necessarily have to open it up and, clean, and re-grease the bearings. We fix the biggest problems first. It will be up to the customer if they want to learn the ins-and-outs of headsets or request that the bearings spin on the positively optimum performance.
The real reasons that it pays to learn: bike repair knowledge will reduce your bicycle maintenance bills over time. Your bike will be efficient.
Ryan Kelley can be reached at 720-837-8984