Tires: More Tires: Even More Tires: CO2 Cartridges to Fill Tires on your Ride: Gentleman: Shop in the Morning Gift from Stuart: Based in Louisville: Post by Ryan Kelley.

We clean your bike. We fix your bike. You will like your bike better.
Pictures of the shop.
Tires: More Tires: Even More Tires: CO2 Cartridges to Fill Tires on your Ride: Gentleman: Shop in the Morning Gift from Stuart: Based in Louisville: Post by Ryan Kelley.
Ryan Kelley Owns a Business Ryan Supports Business Owner Friends Enter: Wide Eyez and Graham Hill Wide Eyez is a sunglass shield that fits every helmet. It is a universal visor shield. Ryan likes to wear the blue helmet and sunglass combo around town. Blue Helmet + Wide Eyez = Ryan Looks like the Police…
Three-Second Video Un-Related to NFL Guy Maiming Biker Dramatic Effect Football Pads vs. Vehicle Embedded from YouTube: Jamming cyclist with car; like jamming a wide receiver coming off the line. Instead of pads on a body, you get a right foot and a car. Hit and runs are more fun to watch than football. Antelope…