Category: Shop
Pictures of the shop.

Trend in the Cycling Business: Bike Repair Stations in New Apartment Buildings
Trend in new apartment buildings: bike repair stations for the residents. #DIY #Trends #cycling #bikes #community pic.twitter.com/pafmygV7kA — Standard Bike Repair (@StdBikeRepair) December 1, 2015

Bulletin Boards, Laminating and Plato
At Standard Bike Repair, our goal is to teach our clients as we fix their bike. We use lamination of bike parts and diagrams to show you what we are talking about as we repair the bike. Ryan talks, quizzes you and explains what is happening. Bulletin Boards, Laminating and Plato https://t.co/zPZnNNEThw pic.twitter.com/3wJRR8RUnV — Standard Bike…