Happy January 2nd


Ever wondered how to create a bike from a frame? Clean it first. Measure it. What type of bike is it? What parts does it need? What parts do you have on hand? What are your resources: budget, local distributors, road/mountain layout of the land?

There are hundreds of decisions to make when re-creating a bike from a old frame. If you are building it for yourself, the measurements and desired use are crucial elements.

Note taking and research is first order. Those of us who have recycled many bikes before, make dozens of decisions before we even think of writing things down.

A plan provides a goal and details not to miss. Almost every bike built from scratch forgets a part or miscalculates compatibility. Except the best laid plans of mice and men. We present: the perfect bike.

As in all creative endeavors; know that the creation will be special and be the vague idea of the dream. Making it exactly like the dream depends on expertise, parts availability and contingency.

Want to build a bike?