Took apart three Campagnolo Ergo lever shifters and put them back together. This is the nose of the shifter; it has a spring and central shaft pivot bolt. It clicks on this piece. Cleaned everything in this ultrasonic bike parts washer. And put it back together.
Running a Bike Shop
Campagnolo Ergolever Spare Parts List
Campagnolo Ergolever parts list written by a bike mechanic.
Terrible 1 BMX Components and Frames
Terrible One Handlebars & Frames Available Terrible One is a new bike part supplier for Standard Bike Repair. Introducing the T1 family to the Standard Bike Repair blog: “Running a Bike Shop in a House located in a sketchy ally parallel to Arapahoe between 18th and 19th near downtown Boulder in Colorado: the mountainous western United States…