Shop June Summer

Summertime at Standard Bike Repair

The four months of summer are the only part of the year where there is as much cash in the bank as parts on the wall. The phone never stops. Walk-ins and appointments all day. In between, there is bookkeeping, cleaning, and errands. Days are epic acts of repair, problem solving, and meetings.

Pictured is Ryan’s nephew, Sage. He is the shop’s second youngest apprentice. The youngest, Ryan’s daughter Sophia is 14 weeks old. She might not even know that she is in the apprentenship program.  However, Sage does know. And he is eager to learn. Last week, he cut and thread spokes with the Morizumi Spoke Threader. Ryan introduces topics of bike repair in general sense and finds specific tasks for the student to practice to enforce the lesson. This is how he works with customers in the Watch/Help/Learn format of bike repair. This is aso how he interacts with Sage. 

Meet the family: Ryan, Rachel and Sophia.